+1 (704) 441 1621
Please use the Middle Class Income Calculator to find out your range.
You may have a good salary, have paid all your bills, and now you look at your bank account and see that your money is funny and your change is strange - no money left to purchase groceries. It is stressful and heart breaking to have to put bills before food. We do not want you or your children to struggle for food, and we have, therefore, created a program where you can sign up for temporary help with food boxes.
From time to time, we cannot borrow from Paul to pay Peter; we cannot postpone a bill, yet we need to buy clothing for ourselves or our child(ren), but as we know, we do not qualify for assistance. Here at Betty's Room at the Crossroad, we understand what you are going through, and we do not want you to be without. We are here to fill this temporary gap.
We realize the struggles and are sensitive to the needs of the middle-class, who make too much income to receive most benefits from our society's surplus, but not enough to sometimes remain even-keeled with financial demands. For qualified applicants we provide funds to help pay past due bills and also offer job placement assistance.
We offer our parenting support service, as a solution at the Crossroad; making it possible for those who are stuck to find practical solutions to reach a safe and comfortable outcome. Our Parenting Corner offers interactive parenting sessions: Counseling/Advice, Our Conversation Piece, Zoom Parenting Techniques Meetings, and A look at Current Teen Culture.